My Self-Love Journey

There is a constant tug-of-war between those who promote embracing self love and those who perceive you as conceited when you do. No wonder so many of us struggle with self confidence, shying away from attention, drawing ourselves inward.


It’s hard to allow yourself the room to feel sexy, to feel beautiful, to feel smart, after you’ve been hiding in the shadows for so long.


Throughout the course of my life, I’ve struggled to find my beauty and confidence. Despite having been described as attractive, pretty, or sexy by others, it never quite permeated the surface because I wouldn’t let it; I didn’t want to be perceived as overly self indulgent or pretentious.


I’ve given away so much power to others, allowing them to influence what I said, did, or looked like for fear of being rejected; it’s hard to pile on external criticisms when you’re already serving yourself a full plate of it every day.


And while I know it sounds cliche, I’m just another stumbling along the path to self love, hoping these insecurities, fears, worries, and doubts which have caused pain will eventually become pearls of wisdom once they’re worked around.


And while our journeys are likely to vary, I hope you decide to join along the way…

Miss C.

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